Mother's Day

I Celebrate You

For most, Mother’s Day is an emotional day. Some will wake up to breakfast in bed made by little smiling faces. Some will wake up to the normal hustle and bustle, and the most they will get is an “oh yeah. Happy Mother’s Day.” Some will wish they could hug their mom and tell her one last time how much she meant to her. Some will mourn a child they’ve lost. Some will wish they were a mom.

For me, a mom of 3 beautiful, healthy, sometimes ornery children, I will be given a gift mothers dayand told I’m the best mom in the world. And I will likely cry because, c’mon, I’m totally not the best mom in the world, but it’s so sweet that they said it anyway. But, that’s not all Mother’s Day is to me.

I’ve been blessed to have several strong women in my family. My mom, who I talk to probably eight times per day and is my rock, is definitely someone to be celebrated. But I take her for granted every day. My bonus mom (step-mom, but bonus mom sounds way cooler) is amazing! She is generous and loving. But I certainly don’t mothers day 4 her often enough. Two of my grandmothers, who I’m so blessed are still around, are often overlooked in my daily runaround. My sister, who wants nothing more to be a mom, but God keeps saying “not yet”. All of these amazing women will celebrate Mother’s Day in different ways. Some with face-to-face fun, some with a phone call, and some with tears.

Regardless of your motherhood status, Mother’s Day is a day that has all the feels. Sometimes it’s hard to understand why we have what we have, or don’t have what we don’t have. Every journey is different and God has a plan. Still, we yearn to understand. Still, we try to trust.

To The Moms:

I know you’re tired. Trust me, I know. We go longer between showers than we care to mothers day 2admit. Our to-do lists are out of control. We live in our vehicles as we drive them from activity to activity. We do creative budgeting so we can try to give them what we didn’t have. We walk around in a “mombie” state from lack of sleep and self-care. We give, give, and give some more. Today, I celebrate you. I celebrate your endless love and sacrifice for your kids. I hope on Mother’s Day, you get a shower and a break. Maybe you’ll even get a meal prepared by someone else. Enjoy it. Enjoy your kids at the age they are because they grow up entirely too fast.

To The Grandmas & Aunts:

You are such a blessing to the kids and moms alike. It really does take a village to raise these little monsters, and we moms are so lucky to have you as a part of our villages. Today, we celebrate you and all you do to help out. You’re amazing!

To the Mom Hopefuls:

I can’t promise you that you will one day be a mom. I can’t tell you what God’s plan is. But I can tell you that His plan is perfect. He loves you beyond measure. This Mother’s Day, I celebrate you. Your heart for motherhood will be rewarded in some way. There are children all over who desire love and you have love to give. God can do amazing things with that. Keep praying and seeking His will. Don’t lose hope.

Women everywhere will celebrate Mother’s Day in some way. To each of you, I hope you know how amazing you are. I hope you recognize that you are making a difference to a child. I hope you understand that even on our worst days, when we’re sure we’re messing everything up, those kids are blessed to have you.

On this Mother’s Day, I celebrate you.

Click here for a FREE song download of my version of “Dear Daughter”. bible coffee

Children are God’s love-gift; they are heaven’s generous reward.  – Psalm 127:3

Children, if you want to be wise, listen to your parents and do what they tell you, and the Lord will help you. For the commandment, “Honor your father and your mother,” was the first of the Ten Commandments with a promise attached: “You will prosper and live a long, full life if you honor your parents.” Ephesians 6:1-3

Dedicate your children to God and point them in the way that they should go, and the values they’ve learned from you will be with them for life. – Proverbs 22:6 Music

“A Mother’s Prayer” by Carnie Wilson YouTube

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